Friday, April 30, 2010

Risks And Complications

MRI scans are very safe.

Because MRI technology and the dyes used are relatively recent, the very long-term effects are not known. There are no reasons to suspect any harmful effects but again, the long-term effects are NOT known.

Because of the possible long-term effects, pregnant women should avoid MRIs and the dye except when the benefits clearly outweigh the potential risk to the unborn child.

Allergic reactions to the dye used are possible but not at all likely. It is therefore very important to inform your doctor about allergies that you may have.

Because of the large magnet, patient with cardiac pacemakers or artificial cadiac valves are NOT allowed near the machine. Patient with cerebral aneurysm clips should NOT have an MRI unless the patient has proof that the aneurysm clip is compatible with magnets.

Patient with metallic fragments in or near the eyes or blood vessels should NOT have an MRI. if you suspect you may have metallic fragments anywhere in your body, let the technologist know. They can take x-ray of these areas to determine if it is possible to proceed with the MRI.The patient at highest risk for metal fragments are welders and people injured by shrapnel or bullets.

Patients with epidural electrodes should NOT undergo an MRI. Other implanted metallic material, such as a hip replacment or a knee replacment, may not be a problem.

It is your responsibility to tell your doctor, your radiologist, and your technologist about any possible implants or metallic fragments . It is VERY important. This information can help avoid potentially deadly complications.

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